








有關寫字樓裝修設計劃分的幾種類型Several types of office decoration design

寫字樓是一個功能比較復雜的辦公場所,我們在進行裝修設計的時候,應該根據不同的功能類型,劃分出不同的空間。對于不同種類的合肥寫字樓裝修設計就應該分配好辦公空間。接下來跟著記者一起來看看下文的介紹吧。Office is a more complex office space, we in the decoration design, it should be based on different types of functions, the division of different space. For different types of Hefei office decoration design should be assigned a good office space. Next, follow the reporter to see the introduction of the following.

一般來說,在寫字樓裝修空間中,空間劃分方法是根據它的位置而區別的。下面即為辦公空間劃分的幾種類型:Generally speaking, in the space of office space, the space division method is based on its location and the difference between the. Below are several types of office space division:

1、開放空間:一般用作室內外的過渡空間,有一定的流動性和趣味性,是開放心理對環境的一種需求。1, open space: generally used as a transition space inside and outside the room, there is a certain mobility and interesting, is open to the environment of a demand for the environment.

2、復合空間:復合空間往往是室內中二次空間限定空間,使得大空間中包括小空間,豐富了空間層次。2, composite space: space is often complex space two space, making the big space, including small space, enrich the space level.

3、過渡空間:過度空間是由一個主體房間到另一個主體房間之間的過渡部分。要求其有較強的導向性,并滿足一些具體要求,與其他辦公裝修設計空間形成對比,連續等豐富的空間組合關系。3, the transition space: excessive space is a main room to another part of the room between the main room. It is required to have a strong orientation, and to meet some specific requirements, and other office decoration design space to form a contrast, continuous and other rich spatial combination.

4、共享空間:它是在空間構造功能上,通過景物設置、小空間的營造達到多功能重復使用的公共活動空間。4, shared space: it is in the space structure function, through the scenery setting, the creation of small space to achieve the function of repeated use of public space.

5、封閉空間:即利用實體結構包圍起來的空間。封閉空間使各種信息不易與外界空間取得交流,具有私密性、安全、可靠等特點。5, enclosed space: the space that is surrounded by the entity structure. The enclosed space is not easy to make all kinds of information with the outside space of communicating, has the characteristics of privacy, safety and reliability etc..

6、交錯空間:交錯空間的特征上由于打破了常規的界面和層次,各層之間相互交錯穿插,垂直界面分離錯位、不同空間交融滲透。6, staggered space: the characteristics of the staggered space as a result of breaking the conventional interface and level, each layer staggered interspersed, vertical interface separation dislocation, different space blend penetration.

以上就是小編簡單的介紹寫字樓裝修方案給大家點建議,寫字樓的裝修是一件需要細心事,在裝修前也要做好充分的準備,這樣才能填整體的設計感和空間感。These are small simple introduction Hefei office decoration scheme to give you suggestions, the office renovation is a careful, in the decoration should be fully prepared, so as to fill the whole feeling and space design.

上一篇:寫字樓裝修設計需要注意的原則和事項Office decoration design needs to pay attention to the principles and matters 下一篇:寫字樓裝修預算需要怎樣制定?Office decoration budget how to develop?

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