



北京寫字樓裝修主要考慮以下五點Beijing office decoration mainly consider the following five points

一,強弱電Three, strong and weak electricity

二,消防工程Fire engineering

強弱電工程是寫字樓辦公室裝修工程中最主要的一點,因為它關系著整個公司的正常工作,所以也不能忽視。首先也是要找專業有資質的綜合布線公司,由專業技術人員到現場進行實際測量,把強弱電的預留開關,插座以及各種線路走向全部體現規劃到圖紙上,然后交與物業公司審核。Strong and weak electricity engineering office decoration works in the most important point, because it is related to the normal work of the entire company, so it can not be ignored. The first is to find a professional qualified cabling company, professional and technical personnel to the scene of the actual measurement, the reserve of strength of electric switches, sockets and a variety of lines to reflect the planning drawings, and then submitted to the audit and the property company.

圖紙戰爭:但要忠告各位老板的是,現在的科技太先進了,就拿電腦效果圖來說吧,有時候圖紙上的東西往往會比現實的好十幾二十倍。我想電腦效果圖只能是顯示一個3d方式的理解而已,并不能認為那就是裝修后的效果。設計的好壞還需從設計風格是否合意、圖紙設計是否合理等來理解。Drawing War: but to advice to the boss, the technology is so advanced, with computer renderings of it, sometimes drawing things tend to two times better than reality. I think the computer can only show the effect of a 3D way of understanding it, and can not think that it is the effect of decoration. Design is good or bad from the design style is desirable, drawings and design is reasonable, and so to understand.

北京寫字樓裝修在建筑裝修行業里,是件大工程,比辦公室裝修更專業,與家裝比起來,要更加細心,它涉及到消防,中央空調系統,區域規劃,強弱電系統設計安裝,考勤系統,門禁系統,裝修工程質量等等方面,所以在裝修之時應該注意的問題有很多。Beijing office decoration in the building decoration industry, is a big project, more than professional office decoration, compared with the home, I want to be more careful, it relates to the fire, the central air conditioning system, regional planning, installation, design of the electrical system or attendance system, access control system, decoration engineering quality and so on, there are so many in the decoration of the problems should be paid attention to.

三,辦公家具Four, office furniture

同樣還是在寫字樓辦公室裝修中需要隔斷來劃分空間,那么就要考慮到每個空間都要保留一定數量的中央空調出風口與回風口,這樣一來同樣還需要找有正規資質的中央空調安裝公司。在辦公室裝修改造前一定要先把中央空調改造平面布置圖交與物業公司審核。工程完工后物業公司還要求出示一份中央空調工程竣工圖。In the same office decoration to partition to divide the space, then into account each space to retain the central air-conditioning air outlet and the air return quantity, so that the same need to find a regular qualified central air conditioning installation company. Decoration in the office before the transformation of the central air conditioning must first plan to hand in the layout of the property company and the audit. After the completion of the project, the property company also asked to produce a central air conditioning project completed.


四,中央空調Two, central air conditioning

五、裝修公司的選擇從三方面考慮Five, decoration company's choice from three aspects to consider


辦公家具在寫字樓辦公室裝修前要先找好家具公司,因為大多數辦公室都需要辦公高隔斷,很多線路,插座都要與隔斷相連接的,所以家具公司一定要與電器工程師有個緊密的銜接,圖紙最好要先由這兩方共同確定完后才要拿到物業公司審核的。Office furniture in the office decoration before trying to find a good furniture company, because most office needs office high partition, many lines, the socket should be connected with the partition, so the furniture company must have a close connection with the electrical engineer, drawing the best from the two parties jointly determined after to get the property company audit.

北京寫字樓裝修選擇裝修公司除了本文所講的三方面,還要考慮費用的付款方式,這個問題似乎是老大難的問題。圖樂辦公了解到:一般私人裝修無論大小,施工隊都是十分愿意承接的。這主要是風險小,但對于公司裝修來說,裝修隊都抱十分謹慎的態度。這只要是收款十分困難。再加上這幾年的工程詐騙事件,同行們已變得很清醒了,不會輕易受高回報的引誘而上當。Beijing office decoration decoration company in addition to the three aspects of the choice of words, but also consider the costs of payment, the problem seems to be difficult. Figure Le office learned that: the general private decoration, regardless of size, the construction team are very willing to undertake. This is mainly a small risk, but for the company's decoration, decoration team are very cautious attitude. As long as this is the collection is very difficult. Coupled with the project fraud in the last few years, the peer has become very clear, not easily lured by high returns.

造價的高低:最痛苦的一項選擇。優質廉價固定好,但這個在現實邏輯上往往是不存在的。造價是質量的第一保證。如果是資金允許,似乎選擇信譽好的施工隊會減少你很多的不必要的麻煩。The high and low cost: the most painful choice. High quality and cheap fixed, but this is often not in the reality of logic. Cost is the first guarantee of quality. If funds allow, the construction team will choose a good reputation to save you a lot of unnecessary trouble.

施工質量:參觀對方樣板房的質量。按現在的情況下,似乎兩種樣板房才能反映出施工方的水平:家居裝修和酒店裝修。因為只有這兩種裝修的質量才比較能看出水平。Construction quality: visit the quality of the other model room. According to the present situation, it seems that the two model room to reflect the level of the construction side: home decoration and hotel decoration. Because only the quality of these two can be seen in the quality of the level of.

上一篇:北京辦公室裝修公司提高效率、15天完工Beijing office decoration company to improve efficiency, 15 days to complete 下一篇:北京辦公室設計公司應該具備哪些亮點和辦公室設計中的美學對比

copyright? 北京翰翔建筑裝飾工程有限公司 版權所有 京ICP備12048938號-1

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