



寫字樓裝修注意事項(Office decoration notes)

Office, office building decoration is better than home decoration, it is more decoration things, such as central air-conditioning systems, electrical systems, cable wiring and so are the need to decorate the company to do a good job. So specific office decoration notes? Let's get to know it:
Office decoration notes:
Office decoration due to the small scale, weak transformation (including cable and telephone line) generally do not ask a professional company to do, then we should pay attention to the data and voice tags must be ready in time on the line, do not give trouble after work.
The office of fire engineering to interval: most office decoration are to do interval, if the interval to the top of the time, will change to smoke and spray, and property companies generally require owners may go to the processing of decoration company.
The office of central air-conditioning is still in the same interval: office decoration demand interval to distinguish space, then they would take into account each space to save a certain number of central air-conditioning air outlet and the air return, so the same also needs to find a specification for the qualification of the central air conditioning installation company.
The unit ceiling regardless of the asbestos board and mineral wool board, all with a screw rod hanging, adhere to the durable. Do people with appearances, electric power lines need to follow the work interval together mounted to each station, not Luanla misplacing, so easy to form the safety and danger.
The above is a small series for you to introduce the details of the office decoration notes all content, I hope the above content to help you.
上一篇:北京辦公室裝修哪家好 下一篇:寫字樓裝修注意哪些事項(Office decoration attention to what matters)

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