



學會看裝修圖紙的注意事項都有哪些Learn how to look at the decoration drawings which have what

  在我們的辦公室裝修中,裝修圖紙是十分重要的物品。學會看裝修圖紙,我們才能保證裝修的正常進行。那么學會看裝修圖紙的 注意事項都有哪些呢?

  In our office decoration, decoration drawings are very important items. Learn to look at the decoration drawings, we can guarantee the normal decoration. Then learn how to see the decoration drawings of the notes?

  一套完整的家裝設計圖紙,從設計、施工,到竣工,一般包括:平面功能設計圖、施工圖、效果圖。設計圖主要分兩部分:效果圖和 施工圖。效果圖能直觀形象地展現室內空間的布局、色彩。一般來說,效果圖和最后裝修后呈現的實際效果是有差別的。目前大多數 的“效果圖”已經被一個3D的360全景設計視頻取代,通過視頻可以360度看到未來家的樣子,相當于現在的效果圖,實際上已經不再 是簡單的一個圖紙,而是變成了一個視頻文件。施工圖則是施工人員的施工依據,是對工程的說明。設計師必須依照有關標準繪制施 工圖,此圖應該可以使設計方、施工方、客戶三方面都能清楚地理解圖紙。施工圖又包括:平面分布圖、頂面布置圖、地面材料圖、 立面圖、開關插座圖、剖面圖、節點圖等。

  A complete set of home decoration design drawings, from the design, construction, to completion, generally including: graphic function design, construction plans, effect diagram. Design drawings are mainly divided into two parts: the effect diagram and the construction drawing. Effect diagram can visually display the layout and color of the interior space. Generally speaking, the effect of drawing and the actual effect of the final decoration is different. At present, most of the "effect" has been a 3D 360 panoramic design video replaced by video can be 360 degrees to see what the future home, is now the equivalent effect, in fact is no longer a simple drawings, but turned into a video file. Construction drawings are the basis for the construction personnel, is a description of the project. Designers must be in accordance with the relevant standard drawing construction plans, this figure should be able to make the design, construction, customer three aspects can clearly understand the drawings. The construction plan also includes: the plane distribution map, the top surface layout plan, the ground material chart, the elevation map, the switch socket chart, the section chart, the node graph and so on.


  We need to understand the function and purpose of each type of drawing.

  一般來說,設計師先量房,然后繪出原始戶型圖。接著再出平面布置圖。平面布置圖是整個戶型的平面布局。會詳細標明各個房 間的尺寸,以及家具、電器的位置等。業主從圖紙中可以清楚地了解到各個房間的使用功能和家具的擺放。裝修頂面圖是標明屋頂布 局的圖紙,業主從頂面圖中可以看出裝飾屋頂的狀況、尺寸、頂面燈具的位置以及各個家具到頂的距離。立面圖是建筑物內部墻面與 物件的正立面投影圖,表示室內各墻面及各種設備的相關位置及尺寸大小,各個房間的位置和功能及走道、樓梯、通道,還有門、窗 的開啟方向與位置尺寸,以及電源開關和燈的位置等。而節點圖簡單地講就是關于某個項目、某個部位的放大圖。當業主把以上幾類 圖紙看懂后,整個家在心中就會有個輪廓了。

  In general, the first volume of the housing designers, and then draw the original map. And then out of the plane layout. Graphic layout is the layout of the entire unit. Will detail the size of the room, as well as the location of the furniture, electrical appliances, etc.. Owners from the drawings can be clearly aware of the use of the various rooms and furniture display. The top figure is marked with the roof decoration layout drawings, the owners can see from the top figure decorative roof condition, size, location and the top surface of lamps furniture to distance. Elevation is facade projection walls and objects inside the building, said the relevant position and size of the indoor wall and various equipment, each room location and function and walkways, stairs and corridors, and door and window opening direction and position dimensions, and the power switch and the position of the light. The node graph is simply about a project, a part of the amplification. When the owners to understand the above categories of drawings, the entire home in the heart will have a contour.

上一篇:北京辦公室裝修設計潮流趨勢Beijing office decoration design trends 下一篇:辦公室裝修有何技巧呢?What are the skills of office decoration?

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